
Christmas Medley 2013

Posted in Christmas Medley, Instrumental, Rock at 11:12 pm by Martin

Length: 04:08, Size: 7.6 MB

It’s that time of the year again where I go into my cave for a few days to arrange and record my yearly Christmas medley. This year it’s a medley of “Do You Hear What I Hear” – first slow, then fast – and the great 80s song “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses. Hope you enjoy it!

It took me about five days worth of work to arrange, record, mix and master this year’s medley. I pretty much arranged and recorded all the drum tracks in the first two days, then recorded the rhythm guitars on day three, the bass and solo guitars on day four, and did the mixing and mastering on the final day, which was spread over several evenings. Quite atypically I recorded the bass after the rhythm guitars. Usually I do it the other way around, but this year it just worked out that way 😛